venerdì 28 settembre 2012


 Another celebrity that has decide to launch a own clothing line: the British singer Robbie Williams was in Dublin last week to launch his new menswear range, Farrell.
"It's the working-class peacock," Williams said, describing the brand. The clothing line is inspired by the style of his Irish grandfather Jack Farrell, a former miner who became a father figure in young life when his father left.
When describing the menswear range, Williams was frank about his involvement. He admitted that he poached Burberry's former design director, Ben Dickens, to be his head of design and told reporters: "I'm not a designer. I'm not going to lie to you and say that I am. The thing I do for Farrell is DJ clothes. If a DJ goes 'I like this record' and he puts it on, people go 'yes I like that record too'.
Ah well, finally someone who is really honest regarding his fashion-involvement!!!
The Farrell menswear range includes shirts, sweaters, cardigans, blazers, trousers and coats and is available at Selfridges and Brown Thomas in the UK.

Do you like it???

Ed ecco un'altra celebrities che si lancia nel mondo del fashion: sto parlando dell'ex Take That Robbie Williams che ha presentato la settimana scorsa a Dublino la sua prima linea di abbigliamento uomo – Farrell.
Il mood “working-class della collezione è ispirato al nonno irlandese di Robbie, Jack Farrell per l’appunto, un ex minatore che divenne la principale figura paterna alla morte del padre del cantante.
In merito al coinvolgimento stilistico, Robbie è molto schietto ed onesto – finalmente qualcuno che lo ammette!!! – dichiarando di aver assunto l’ex designer di Burberry, Ben Dickens, come Direttore Creativo.
“Non sono un designer e non voglio mentire mostrandomi per quello che non sono” dichiara il cantante.
La linea – solo uomo – è piuttosto varia e comprende t-shirt, cardigan, maglioni, blazer, pantaloni… la potrete trovare da Selfridges e da Brown Thomas in Inghilterra.
Che ne pensate???


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