sabato 1 marzo 2014


Collaboration between bloggers and brands are very frequent also because it's a way to increase both success and presence on the market.Now it's Garance Doré time. The super famous photographer intact has launched a stationary collection presented at Claus, a pleasantly modern patisserie near the Palais Royale in Paris - in partnership with Rifle Paper Co. at Colette on Sunday. (It’ll be available to shop in the States in the next few weeks.) 
Doré was on hand with Rifle cofounder Anna Bond — whose own cards, calendars, and iPhone cases you might’ve seen at Anthropologie and every other cute little boutique in existence.Doré, a stationery fanatic, has long wanted to develop her own range and as a fan of Bond’s retro-crafty-floral work, she decided to call the illustrator up and asked if she’d be interested in creating a collection. It is incredible how well Doré and Bond’s styles complement each other!
There are iPhone cases, too, including a checkerboard style that’s perfect to sport while snapping runway shots.
But the coolest thing about the collection, though, may be that this is only the beginning. Doré hopes to continue the partnership and wants to expand the Garance Doré brand even further. “I have lots of ideas, but I definitely want it to be lifestyle products,” she said. “I wouldn’t do fashion right now.”

Collaborazioni e partnership tra brands e bloggers sono all'ordine del giorno: portano visibilità ad ambo le parti, accrescono il potere e la presenza sul mercato.
Oggi è il turno della famosissima fotografa francese Garance Doré che ha presentato lo scorso Giovedì presso la famosa pasticceria parigina Claus, la sua prima linea di accessori (agende, calendari, iphone cover...) in collaborazione con Rifle Paper Co. (in vendita da Colette e prestissimo anche negli States).
La fotografa ha trovato in Rifle il partner perfetto per la prima parte di quella che si rivelerà essere una collezione in costante incremento.Ad oggi infatti troverete Iphone cover, agende e calendari ma questo è solo l'inizio!


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